viernes, 30 de mayo de 2008

The hives - the black and white album

The black and white album es el nombre de la ultima produccion de the hives realizada en 07 del cual se desprendio el sencillo tick tick boom muy buen disco espero lo disfruten.

1. Tick Tick Boom
2. Try It Again
3. You Got It All... Wrong
4. Well Allright!
5. Hey Little World
6. A Stroll Through Hive Manor Corridors
7. It Won't Be Long
8. T.H.E.H.I.V.E.S.
9. Return The Favour
10. Giddy Up
11. Square One Here I Come
12. You Dress Up For Armageddon
13. Puppet On A String
14. Bigger Hole To Fill
15. Fall Is Just Something Grownups Invented (UK Bonus Track)

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